Egale Lage
Insights into the pataphysical realisation
A production of the puppet theatre course at the HMDK Stuttgart
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Five explorers move in search of new insights in special spaces where the boundaries of the world beyond the laws of nature seem to be mutable and open. In a series of evidential experiences on 'pataphysics', the science of imaginary solutions, they make it clear that the definition of space, time and movement is solely a question of point of view. Using unusual angles and manipulations of live cameras, the experts become puppet-like subjects of their own experiments in video projections. They climb into perspective traps, calculate calculated errors and find their way around optical illusions freed from gravity. In a bizarre state of suspension between imagination and fact, they visualise the ambiguous nature of things and processes. EGALE LAGƎ creates an ironic intermediate space in which reality is an illusion and at the same time the illusion is a reality. In the controversial encounter between perception and reality, liberating deviations and relieving exceptions appear as a new orientation for a welcome change of situation.
Idea & Director: Katharina Wibmer
Video technology: Álvaro García
Stage & Costumes: Kersten Paulsen
Lighting: Kalle Kalmbach
Assistant director: Lukas Schneider
Master Rechsif Lime, teaching assignment for soil avoidance........................Emil Fischer
Relsah Airam Ave, Master of Arts Beautology.................................Eva Maria Hasler
Prof. Dr Eel Ibus, developer of the sprout tensioning method.................Seul Subi Lee
Prof Eksnenesop Oj, Professor of Constance Management.................Jo Posenenske
Dr Semrev Aron, inventor of the pocket melancholy..............................Nóra Vermes
Artistic supervision: Prof. Florian Feisel
Production management: Prof. Stephanie Rinke
Production management assistant: Emilien Truche
Choir director: Jo Posenenske
Speech training: Ulrike Götz
Puppetry: Nóra Vermes, Lukas Schneider
Technical direction: Daniel Aigner
Stage management: Kersten Paulsen
Stage manager: Kalle Kalmbach
Stage and event technology:
Volker Blumhardt, Neele Heller;
Ivan Hampp; Felix Schuster,
Paria Tavakoli Dinani;
Bransilav Stojicic
Costume department: Martina Marx;
Heike Hock, Dorothea Kölle
Premiere on Friday, 24 March 2023 at 8 p.m. in the Wilhelma Theatre