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Spieler mit seinem verzerrten Spiegelbild | zur StartseiteZwei Lichtsäulen umfassen das Gesicht von Lukas Schneider | zur StartseiteRandy die Rattenpuppe | zur StartseiteIm Spiel das Gesicht einer Figur | zur StartseiteLiegender Pilot neben einem Flugzeugmotor | zur Startseitezwischen zwei Lichtsäulen liegt auf einer Ebene Sand, der Kopf von Lukas Schneider, eine Uhr, eine Figurenkopf und ein Leinensack | zur StartseiteSzenen Foto Scaena Corpus kleine Puppe wird vermessen vom Spieler | zur Startseitelebensgrosse Berner Sennenhund Puppe mit Schwarz weiss braunem Fell | zur StartseiteSzenen Foto Scaena Corpus Figur schaut den Spieler von unten herauf an | zur StartseiteKoboldpuppe mit farbigem Haar, stechend grünen Augen und spitzem Kinn | zur StartseiteHand mit gemalter Umrandung durch Plexiglas | zur StartseiteLukas Schneider mit Mantel offen mit vielen hängenden kleinen Körpern | zur Startseite
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Quacksalber puppet film


Quacksalber-A satirically absurd puppet film about swindlers, charlatans and cures


On a large empty stage, the nimbus between truth and lies:

the RADIO TOWER. It is the source of news, advertising and myths, a sacred ground for every quack and the perfect place to claim the title of Godfather of Spam.

We find ourselves in 19th century northern America, in the middle of the Wild West in one of the infamous ‘Medicine Shows’. Two hair-raisingly scandalous quacks are fighting a duel for the public's favour.

On the one side is Dr Quackenbush, known for his outstanding scientific brewing knowledge and his miracle cure: Dr Quackenbush's Snake Oil.

On the other side is the competition, Dr Bontempi, a practising shaman and specialist in hair treatments and potions of all kinds, particularly effective: Dr Bontempi's Snake Oil.

Dr Bontempi's Snake Oil is particularly effective against and for every problem, psychological, physical, pataphysical, risks and side effects as well as internal and external use. Who can hack the RADIO TOWER, and how much spam pushes the bullshit meter to its limits?

With lots of wit and black humour, a wild, trashy game begins that takes advantage of people's naive longing for the panacea that can not only cure all kinds of illnesses, but also smooth wrinkles and remove stains.

Special guest: Artaud, psychopathic surgeon.

Stay healthy.

A production of the HMDK's Puppet Theatre course for the Wilhelma Theatre in co-production with the Master's courses in New Music and Media Speech

Director: Patrick Sims

Puppet theatre: Chloé Delaby, Abdulsamad Murat, Marta Pelamatti, Lukas Schneider

Music: Augustin Lipp

Camera/editing: Katharina Wibmer