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Die Prinzessin mit dem Loch im Bauch - "The princess with the hole in her stomach"


"Die Prinzessin mit dem Loch im Bauch"


Puppet show based on Oren Lavie
For everyone aged 8 and over

Greta is bored. It's a good thing that a new neighbour has moved in next door. An author of all things! He gives her a story for an apple and some chewing gum. And because the author is a nice writer, she even gets to help make up the story. Together with the author, Greta creates a new world. At the centre of the story is a very special girl: she is not just a princess, but a princess with a hole in her stomach. The hole is so big that you could shoot a football through it. Because she doesn't like the idea, she sets off to find a solution for her hollow belly. With her travelling companion, the bearded boy Henning, the princess finally sets off for a country where all children are forbidden to play with toys. Israeli musician and author Oren Lavie sensitively tells the story of how the princess with the hole in her stomach makes friends, smuggles toys and finally swims through the window. This whimsical puppet theatre piece asks some big questions, has no end at all and...

Performance duration: approx. 1 hour


Staged by Johannes Weigand

Set design Moritz Nitsche

Puppet construction Franziska Bilharz

Dramaturgy Kornelius Luther , Sahar Rezaei

With Kerstin Dathe , Lukas Schneider , Christian Sengewald