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Die Reise der Tütopisten - The journey of the Tütopists


"Die Reise der Tütopisten"

Street theatre piece that plays with and transforms the cityscape.
The interplay of theatre, material and sound creates a poetic encounter with the four elements. What is a utopian idea today, what desirable models for the future are there - in a society that seems to have ‘everything’? What needs to be changed? And how can art promote this?


Four Tütopists land in the city. Each from a different planet, from a different dimension, connected to an element (air, water, earth, fire). Once every 100 million years, they meet to exchange their knowledge and transform together. This is today. In this place. Beings with fire tails, a figure from all the bags in the world, a woman in a cascard robe and a mysterious feather-clawed creature wander through the city. The audience experiences how the space-time travellers transform along the way and learn about their interconnectedness. Constant change, constantly being in flux with themselves and their surroundings, is a common characteristic of the Tütopists.

ACTING: Tenzin Kolsch/ Lukas Schneider, Robert Buschbacher, Ronja Schweikert, Coline Petit

DIRECTOR: Ulrike Hanne

COSTUME DESIGN: Birgit Holzwart

MUSIC : Thorsten Meinhardt

VIDEO : Alexander Schmidt


DURATION: approx. 30 minutes


Supported by the Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.